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A Gold Award softball field – donations needed


Submitted by Megan Burnett

Colorado Springs

Pikes Peak

My name is Megan Burnett, and I have been a Girl Scout since I was 5 years old. I am currently a senior at James Irwin Charter High School and am working towards my Gold Award. As a young Girl Scout, I enjoyed doing many different things, such as hiking, crafts, and taking fun trips to museums and helping out in the community. After spending kindergarten through 6th grade in California, I moved to Colorado. I joined a troop led by Sacha Tomlinson, who taught me about how to help people effectively and what it means to complete a project. From Girl Scouts, I learned how to be a leader, to follow through, and to do everything with passion.

The project I have taken on is building a softball field for my high school. As a small charter school, my school doesn’t receive enough funding to complete massive projects like this- so the team has to drive 20 minutes every day to practice at an off campus site. As a senior softball player, I want to leave a legacy at my school as the team goes varsity in the fall. This project will not only build team spirit, but it will also make it easier for more students to participate with the more accessible field. Because of this, parents and friends will also be able to attend more games as well.

I began my journey with the idea of having a softball field- I brought it up to the CEO of JICHS, my coach, and the head of maintenance. From there, I began reaching out to several companies, such as concrete and fencing and dirt moving companies, and have groups who are willing to donate the manpower and concrete to build dugouts and level the field. While I am excited about the progress I have made, I still have several things on my list I still need to get the softball team a completed field by August 2016. I want to reach out to the community to get help obtaining an AstroTurf outfield, fencing for the backstop and the sidelines, and bleachers for those who want to support the team. Any donations are needed by the end of June to complete my project on time. Any questions about the project can be sent to

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