Applications are now open for 2018 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards. Girl Scouts who have recently earned Silver and Gold Awards may be particularly good candidates for this exciting award program.
This youth recognition program, sponsored by Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, has recognized more than 120,000 middle and high school students – including thousands of Girl Scouts – at the local, state and national level for outstanding acts of volunteerism over the past 22 years. Top winners receive sizable cash awards, engraved medallions, and an all-expense-paid trip with a parent or guardian to Washington, D.C. for the national awards ceremony in May 2018.
Last year, Gold Award recipient Emma Albertoni, of Arvada, was named a State Honoree, traveled to Washington, D. C. for the national awards ceremony, and received an engraved medallion. In 2015, Gold Award recipient Christina Bear of Golden was named a “Distinguished Finalist” and received an engraved bronze medallion. In 2014, Girl Scout Morgan Hays, a Gold Award recipient from Evergreen, was honored with a Certificate of Excellence. We are thrilled to share this opportunity again and hope to see more girls share this prestigious honor.
Girl Scouts can apply online at or Applications must be submitted to Girl Scouts of Colorado by November 7, 2017. We will then review applications and select one or more Girl Scouts to represent our council in the state-level judging. If you have any questions or need a paper version of the application, please call 877-525-8491.
We’re excited about this opportunity to re-emphasize the importance of volunteering within our council, and to possibly gain statewide or even national recognition for our Girl Scouts. We hope we can count on your participation.