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Unlock your FREE access to CollegeLab!

GSCO blog

Starting your college search or right in the middle of it all? No matter where you are in the process CollegeLab can help! CollegeLab is a college admissions tool that helps people navigate and manage the college admissions process. From detailed college search tools to managing your application process, it’s an amazing resource to help keep you organized through this adventure. BONUS for Girl Scouts – it’s FREE! Simply work on your College Knowledge badge, get approval for your Gold Award proposal, OR earn your Girl Scout Gold Award to get your account started!

Some more details for you to know:

  1. CollegeLab encourages you to enter profile information including any scores or school information (GPA, ACT/SAT scores) upon account creation, so it knows a bit about you.

  2. Plug in your preferred states, conferences (Big 10, UAA, etc.), regions, locations (city, suburban, urban or rural), type ofsSchool (public or private), student to faculty ratio and many extras (like ROTC, greek life, early action, all female) and your preferred program and see what schools come up!

  3. Once the algorithm does its work and you get your list of schools, you can dig deeper into each school’s information and choose which ones to add to a list.

  4. Once your list is created, you can see your reach schools, target schools and likely schools (which the website creates using the scores and information you entered). A goal for you to have (as you complete more tests and enter scores): watch the schools in your lists move around from reach to target to likely! Then, as the application process happens, record your steps taken with each of your preferred schools to keep yourself organized and on task.

Not ready to take the steps yet? No problem, just BOOKMARK this page so it’s handy when you need it.

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