Do you want to change the world? Of course you do, you’re a Girl Scout! Join us on November 8 from 4 – 5 p.m. as we explore three different STEM careers from experts at AT&T. Girl Scouts will learn about their careers, how they got there, and how these jobs have an impact on the world. After the event they will receive a worksheet and instructions on how to explore more about STEM careers and earn their STEM Careers badge(Brownie, Junior, and Cadettes). After the event, Girl Scouts will be mailed a FREE AT&T STEM Careers patch for participating in the program. Thanks to a generous donation from AT&T, all Brownie, Junior, and Cadette Girl Scouts who attend the LIVE event will also receive a FREE STEM Careers badge.
Can’t make the live event? Don’t worry! We will have the recording and worksheet available after the event on our anytime activities site. Girl Scouts can earn this patch by watching the recording and completing the worksheet before August 2022.