As part of their project to earn the Girl Scout Silver Award, Cadettes Maddie A. and Sophie J. from Troop 70179 in Boulder created a coloring book to celebrate the stories of ten Black women! In honor of Black History Month, they’ll be distributing more than 2,000 FREE copies of “Black Women Who Made History” to schools and businesses, and it is also available on their website to download. In addition to the coloring book, their website also features videos of girls from their community reading the stories of the women featured in the coloring book. “We have witnessed people around our community racially profiling and it is not okay. Our friends have taken the time to educate us about their experiences and we hope to educate others. We believe that through education we can make the stories of these women into everyday knowledge and broaden the narrative. The stories of these historic women deserve to be everyday knowledge,” the girls wrote about their project.
The Silver Award is the highest honor for Girl Scouts in middle school. This project started as two girls doing their Silver Award project, but it turned into a community project because we had the support and help from so many like YOAB, Boulder NAACP, BVSD, our friends, our graphic designer Hannah Tuell, Lexmark who printed free copies, and a local Black woman-owned printing company, Creative Solutions.
On Monday, February 8, 2021, the girls were interviewed about their project by Reporter Amy Bounds of the Daily Camera. You can read the article here. The girls were also interviewed by Reporter Ashley Michels for a story on Channel2 Daybreak on Thursday, February 18. You can watch it here.
We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.