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Overcoming Bias: Journey Workshop for Older Girl Scouts

Join us for a special event on Overcoming Bias with Global Nomads Group where girls will explore how biases are formed, reflect on their own assumptions, explore the biases they encounter in their communities and media, and create an action plan for interrupting biases in themselves and in others. Through stories shared by youth from around the world, girls will deepen their understanding of their global peers and how biases impact people around the world.

** This special live virtual event has a limited capacity, so be sure to register today!

Girls will connect for a live event via Zoom facilitated by trained Global Nomads Group staff.  Starting as a whole group presentation, girls will learn about biases from trained Global Nomads Group facilitators and stories created by youth from around the world.  Then, they will move into small group facilitated discussions where they will have the opportunity to reflect on their learnings and share stories of their own. This whole group to small group sequence occurs multiple times throughout the live events giving all girls an opportunity to learn and contribute their voice.  After the event, girls will create an action plan to interrupt bias in themselves or others.  This short action plan assignment should be completed within one week of the event (by May 2, 2021) and shared via the link provided (email to follow event). By joining the live event and completing an action plan, girls will complete their MEdia (6th – 8th), GIRLtopia (9th -10th grade), or Your Voice, Your World (11th -12th grade) Journey!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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