We’ve moved and improved the GSCO Blog. Now at gscoblog.org, the blog is an online gathering place where you’ll find important news, Girl Scout stories, troop tips, contests and cool opportunities for your girls. Subscribe to the blog, so you don’t miss a beat. You can choose daily, weekly or monthly digest emails. (See the subscription form in the footer.)
Comment on posts, share your own stories and photos and now place a Classified all in one place. If you’ve got materials to give away or need an expert to help your girls complete a badge, place a Classified. Browse the Classifieds for a ride share to camp or for swapping cookie varieties. It’s free and easy to use.
Keep up on all the great things Girl Scouts are doing across Colorado. You’ll see our Instagram feed, Twitter timeline and more.
Visit gscoblog.org and let us know what you think. We’re excited to see you there!