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Honoring Hometown Heroes

Submitted by Danielle Wilson

Northern & Northeastern CO


With COVID-19 taking place, Tearyn wasn’t able to deliver Girl Scout Cookies to her Hometown Hero until now. She was so excited to call and set up a time to deliver the 30 packages she managed to get! The local military recruiting center was happy to receive the cookies.

I’m a go getter because I set high goals and I never gave up!

I’m an innovator because I changed up my greeting to potential customers and changed my booth set up, even adding lights for my night booths!

I’m a risk-taker because I didn’t know how many sales I would make, if any, at any of my booths, but I always put myself out there to do my best!

I’m a leader because after I hit my personal goal 2,020 boxes, I gave the extra sale credits to my troop, so every girl could reach their goals!

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.



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