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GSCO National Delegates

GSCO blog

We are the 2020-2022 Delegates and want to share our experiences and build a strong delegation for the 2023 National Council Session. Every three years Girl Scouts of the USA holds the National Council Session and gathers delegates from all councils to review the past three years, elect the National Board and vote on important changes for the Girl Scout Movement.

Volunteers from around Colorado send in an application and are chosen to represent Colorado Council. Colorado chooses both girl and adult delegates who are passionate about Girl Scouts and want to make a difference. Delegates have the opportunity to present changes to our governance, share their opinion with 1500 delegates from around the country and vote on important topics. We recommend that anyone interested in the politics and governance of Girl Scouts apply to be a delegate. We especially want to encourage high school Girl Scouts to apply. Representing Colorado Council at the National Council Session will look great on a resume, enhance your scholarship applications and give you an experience worthy of becoming your college essay.

Over the next few months, the 2020-2022 Delegation will be posting specific details on what happens at the National Council Session. On April 21, we will be having round table discussions with anyone interested in learning more. We are always happy to directly respond to your questions as well, so contact Laura Aguon at and she will pass your questions our way. We are looking for volunteers who are looking to expand their knowledge of the National Girl Scout Movement and make a difference in the path we are on. Join us at a roundtable to learn more.

April 14 Roundtable:

GSCO members interested in learning more about being a National Delegate please join us on April 14 at 6:00 pm. Password: Delegate

Ready to know more? To get a little more information now, I encourage you to read our blog posts from the past. We shared the details of the National Council Session, impressions of the event as a whole and how it impacted our lives. I certainly returned from National Convention with green blood!

Here are a few to get you started:

2023 GSCO Delegate application will be ready in March of 2022.

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