The beautiful grounds of the Penrose House Garden Pavilion are always a treat to visit annually when we hold our Highest Awards Celebration in Colorado Springs. On Tuesday evening, May 28th, we enjoyed a beautiful evening as we honored seven of this year’s Colorado Gold Award recipients as well as dozens of Silver and Bronze Award recipients. It was a great evening to hear how these recipients have gained leadership through earning one of Girl Scouts’ Highest Awards!
A video capturing the essence of the Colorado Springs event, especially personal remarks from each of the Gold Awardees honored, can be viewed below.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bihHHqTWWU8?rel=0]
Information compiled and posted by Amanda Kalina, Director of Public Relations for Girl Scouts of Colorado, with assistance, including the videography and photography work, from Rachelle Trujillo, Chief Marketing Officer.