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Get your tickets for the Red Carpet Father-Daughter Ball

GSCO blog

Submitted by Kathy Kettler

Metro Denver


The Woods Service Unit is hosting a Red Carpet Father-Daughter Ball on January 28, 2017 from 6 – 9 p.m. at the Waymire Dome located at the Adams County Fairgrounds – 9755 Henderson Road, Brighton, CO 80601. Featuring *Selfie Stations* Live DJ* Dancing *Snacks/Drinks* Our own Paparazzi* Come dressed like a STAR that you are and walk our Red Carpet Event and dance the evening away with the significant adult male (Dad, Stepdad, Grandpa, favorite Uncle, etc.) in your girl’s life. Please bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the Food Bank of the Rockies. You will also get a Red Carpet Fun Patch included in the price of admission. Advance tickets are $16 per couple and $7 for each additional girl (siblings that aren’t Girl Scouts are welcomed also). At the door pricing is $10 per person, so get your tickets early. Please see flyer attached for more info on getting your tickets. All Girl Scouts from Daisy to Ambassadors are welcomed for a great night spent with that significant adult male in their lives. Don’t forget to dress to the nines!

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