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Get Ready to Celebrate Girl Scout Week

Girl Scout Week is just around the corner (March 7 – 13, 2021)! Each year Girl Scouts across Our Movement participate in activities to make the world a better place and show their Girl Scout pride. While we might not be as hands-on in the community as previous years, there are still lots of ways that your Girl Scout can celebrate.

Share the 2021 Girl Scout Week Proclamation with leaders in your city/town, county, etc. and have them officially declare Girl Scout Week. Also, check out our list of suggested activities or download a calendar to hang-up at your house.

Sunday, March 7 – Girl Scout Sunday

Wear your Girl Scout uniform to worship. Talk with your Girl Scout sisters to connect with a local place of worship.

Host a Girl Scout Cookies party or virtual cookie booth after worship. Talk about how Girl Scouts has helped you be a leader in your community.

Want to do more? Check out this resource for suggested activities and services.

Monday, March 8– Go-Getter

Set a goal to achieve a big objective. Is it to start a Highest Awards project, start a new routine, or maybe get straight A’s? Create a plan to work hard to make it happen.

Learn a new skill. Practice a skill that will help you explore something you’ve always wanted to try. Maybe even earn a badge while you’re at it! Use the Badge Explorer to find one that you would like to earn.

Create a motivational mantra. Create a saying to help you get back up and try again when you fall down.

Tuesday, March 9 – Innovator

Solve a problem in a creative way. Girl Scouts innovate to find unique solutions. Find an imaginative solution to an everyday or community problem. Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors can participate in the Cookie Box Innovation Challenge with Arrow and design a prototype that addresses a problem in our community and beyond by using Girl Scout Cookie packages and other recycled materials. Learn more.

Invent something new. Think outside the box and find a new way to do something.

Create a work of art. Choose your favorite type of art and make a masterpiece. Visit a local gallery to see how other artists are innovators in their work.

Wednesday, March 10 – Risk Taker

Do something new. Girl Scouts explore the world around them. Push your boundaries and do something you’ve never done before.

Make a promise to stop saying “can’t.” Think about the times you’ve said “I can’t do (something)”. Write a note to remind yourself to take safe risks and try.

Break the mold. Be the first person you know to try something. Share the experience with your friends and family.

Thursday, March 11– Leader

Be a role model. Lead younger girls in celebrating Girl Scout Week.

Learn more about Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low. Discuss how Girl Scouts started and who “Daisy” was in her community.

Friday, March 12- Girl Scout Birthday and Girl Scout Jumu’ah

Show your Girl Scout pride! Show your schoolmates your love and support of Girl Scout sisterhood by wearing your uniform.

Wear your Girl Scout uniform to worship. Talk with your Girl Scout sisters to connect with a local place of worship.

Want to do more? Check out this resource for suggested activities and services.

Saturday, March 13 – Girl Scout Sabbath

Wear your Girl Scout uniform to worship. Talk with your Girl Scout sisters to connect with a local place of worship.

Want to do more? Check out this resource for suggested activities and services.

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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