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DEI Updates for Week of 02.14.22

DEI Updates: Week of 02.14.22

  1. Upcoming: Black History Month Events

  2. Feb 14 – Community Presentation: Black Women in American History

  3. Feb 23 – DuSable Museum Virtual Talk Back Session: Equiano.Stories

  4. Feb 28 – Black History Patch Showcase

  5. Please check gsEvents to register or share these events.

  6. Upcoming: Monthly Equity Talks – ADA Accessibility in the Outdoors

  7. Our next MET session is on Feb 23. Please check your calendar for an invite. The chat will be recorded for those who can’t attend and would like to tune in later.

  8. New: Implicit Bias & Microaggressions gsLearn Course

  9. We have a new gsLearn course that focuses on understanding unconscious bias and its connection to microaggressions. The course has three modules: definitions, everyday examples, and strategies for intervention. Please check it out and reach out with any input.

  10. DEI Learning Track

  11. Complete this brief form to let us know which DEI trainings and events you’ve attended.

Call to Action

  1. 9 Leaders from Black History You Should Know

  2. Check out this list of lesser-known Black leaders who fought for civil rights and contributed to our American society.

Upcoming Opportunities

  1. Gender in the African Diaspora

  2. Monday, Feb 28 at 6:30pm MST. Join the Center on Colfax for a talk that will cover the history of gender, gender non-conformity, and finish with a look at transgender in the African Diaspora.  The talk will name categories of queer ancestors, spaces, and lifeways from the pre-classical through contemporary period.  We will look at third gender in African societies.  Then gender non-conformity through European contact, transatlantic slavery, and resistance to the slave system.  Then finish with a look at gender-nonconformity in the US in the 19thand 20th century leading to black, transgender history in the 21st

  3. Action Beyond the Quote

  4. Join Points of Light and Morehouse College on Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 11:00am MST, for a conversation that will explore a collection of MLK’s most well-known quotes. Learn how you can use his words as a foundation to advance his teachings and nonviolent philosophy in your own community. Click here to register.

  5. Melanin MagiQ: QTBIPoC Community Group

  6. Calling all LGBTQIA2+ and BIPOC young people! Melanin MagiQ is a new program that Inside Out is hosting in partnership with Joy as Resistance! Meet and connect with queer BIPOC adults and other youth, and embrace your melanin magic! Groups meet on alternating Thursdays. Next Melanin Magiq will be Feb. 17

  7. History on the Plate: Deconstructing African American Food History

  8. Wednesday, Feb 23 at 5pm MST. Join Phipps Conservatory for a virtual free special presentation with Dr. Jessica B. Harris on African American cuisine. At this special virtual event, Dr. Harris will use traditional stories, illustrations and history to discuss the importance of food in African American history and culture. Beginning with a traditional African American plate, the presentation will focus on eight plants important to African American cuisine: rice, corn, peanuts, okra, watermelon, chili peppers, leafy greens and sweet potatoes. The presentation will run 40 – 45 minutes and be followed by a 15 – 20 minute Q&A. Sign up here.

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