Submitted by Stephanie Rosauer
Metro Denver
Our troop of Daisy Girl Scouts delivered more than 100 packages (105 to be exact) of Girl Scout Cookies to Parker Task Force, a local food bank. The girls got to learn why, how, for whom, and what Parker Task Force does. All volunteers, just like in Girl Scouts, give their time varying from hours to months out of a year. Donations, in addition to foods, are items such as blankets, pet food and supplies, diapers, and school supplies for children. Parker Task Force helps in our community, on average, 220 people a week!
Parker Task Force provides a monthly “Needs Request List” for items that are needed, to help accommodate those that are unable to purchase on their own. These requests have been fulfilled each month by the generous members of this community.
The girls were touched by the story and kindness that they elected Parker Task Force for their food donation recipient, for the month of April! Nice job young ladies!
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