Tell us about your connection to Girl Scouts.
I was a Girl Scout from second grade through my senior year in high school, served as a Junior leader in the early 1970’s in Bowling Green, Ohio, then as a Brownie leader in the last 1980’s in Colorado Springs. I have recently been elected to join the Board of Directors of Girl Scouts Colorado.
What is the most valuable thing that Girl Scouts gives girls today?
Opportunities to grow their self-confidence that contributes to educational and personal success
Opportunities to serve as girl leaders that develop into women leaders
Why did you join Daisy’s Circle?
Monthly giving is an easy way to contribute to a cause that I love and allows me to provide more support than I would be able to do with a one-time gift.
What is the best thing about monthly giving?
It is easier to budget for small monthly gifts than one big one.
Named after Girl Scout founder, Juliette “Daisy” Gordon Low, Daisy’s Circle is Girl Scouts of Colorado’s monthly giving program. Funds raised through Daisy’s Circle provide financial assistance for girls and volunteers, support Outreach Programs and more. For more information: