All of the Colorado Girl Scouts who have achieved Girl Scouts Highest Awards this year have done amazing things! With your accomplishments, you have shown yourselves to be leaders in your community and advocates for others. Girl Scouts of Colorado is very proud of you all and the example you set!
Individual or combined Service Units are encouraged to plan celebrations honoring the highest awards recipients. Please contact your local Program Support Specialist for additional support.
Bronze Award Recipients October 2014
Troop14643 – Grand Junction
Felicity Eli
Troop41736 – Colorado Springs
Hailey Decker
Jadzia Brown
McKenzie Costa
Troop43944 – Colorado Springs
Katherine Pierce
Kayla James
Troop61046 – Aurora
Anna Carpenter
Anna Kriss
Avery Echols
Danae Johnson
Ella Mahaffy
Gabriella Black
Kira Heidebrecht
Lauren Linnebur
Lekili Hodge
Malayne Perry
Megan Hutchinson
Molly Morello
Talia Rosales
Troop71043 – Longmont
Anna Sallee
Emily Wiggins
Janice Newton
Laney Miller
Libby Burton
Madison Capezzano
Makayla Allman
Tess Northcutt
Vera Schmutz
Wiley Denesha