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Carla Montana Distinguished Military Veteran Memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund

GSCO blog

Girl Scouts of Colorado excited to announce an update to the Carla Montana Distinguished Military Veteran Memorial Girl Scout Adventure Fund!  Early in March 2020, GSCO reached out to Girl Scout supporters and military families with a challenge to raise a minimum of $10,000 needed to endow the fund. Thanks to support from many of you and a generous matching gift we have met this goal! Distributions from the endowment will provide Colorado Girl Scouts from military families with scholarships enabling them to experience the learning, joy, and camaraderie acquired through travel and adventure.

We are particularly proud to have achieved this during the Month of the Military Child. Girl Scouts across the nation are showing their support for military-connected girls, families, and volunteers through social media. Join us as we celebrate the Month of the Military Child by checking Girl Scouts of Colorado social media for ways to participate, tell your own story and honor our military families.

In order to continue the momentum that has been started, we are extending the fundraising campaign through April 30. Extending the campaign allows for more engagement and increased funding which ensures meaningful funds available annually for scholarships.

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