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2022 Destinations: Applications Now Open

GSCO blog

Have you heard of Girl Scout Destinations? They are the ultimate adventure for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors- and the perfect way to switch it up and explore after being stuck inside for so long! Applications opened May 1, 2021 for Summer 2022 trips.

Ever wanted to hike the Swiss Alps? Kayak through Greek Islands? Eat your way through Italy? Backpack Costa Rica? Practice photography in picturesque California? With more than 20 trips to choose from, you’re sure to find one that sparks your interests and launches you into an unforgettable experience.

Not sure if Girl Scouts Destinations is right for you? Come to one of our information sessions to learn more about this program and ask any questions that you may have.

Questions? Email

We want to hear how your girl is using her Girl Scout skills by taking initiative, caring for the community, and Girl Scouting at home. She can send in her story here.

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