Thank you to all the Girl Scouts who entered this year’s contest for Best Cookie Video. We received nearly two dozen entries from across Colorado and are so impressed by your creativity and enthusiasm.
Girl Scout Junior Clemmer is selling Girl Scout Cookies so she can go Girl Scout Camp. From Clemmer:
Every year, I try to create a cookie song to draw attention to our booths! This year, my parents helped me create a backdrop and I came up with the words to the song. I think singing the song at our booths is going to help us meet our cookie program goals!
Troop 65709 is a multi-level troop from the Metro Denver region. The girls plan to use their winnings for badges, activities, and items from the GSCO Retail Shop.
Girl Scout Cadette Tessa, along with her sister Diana, recently completed the Marketing and Coding for Good badges, which inspired them to step-up their cookie game this season. Diana now wears a Cookie Monster mascot costume and Tessa spent days producing this fun video. The video is 100% girl created, including the background music that Tessa coded.